Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Architecture as Career


Architecture is a social art and a discipline which requires adequate knowledge of four major areas of human endeavor ; humanity, Art, Engineering science and Technology actually putting into practice. 

Today it is recognized as an intellectual profession in which architects design buildings of all kinds in most efficient, economic and beautiful way direct their construction for the society. Their contribution in shaping of environment and society in diverse range of situations, both in urban and rural contexts, is well identified. As matter of fact architects are the first people who conceive form and utility of the buildings in their minds and papers and later construction of those buildings is carried out by the contractors under their directions. 

Although many other professionals like engineers, surveyors and landscape architects contribute in design and construction of those buildings, yet architects are required to possess high qualities of an artist , a technocrat ,a businessman and a  team leader and they should  be able to co-ordinate to the work  of other technical specialists who also contribute their specialized knowledge to the planning  and construction of buildings. 

They should also be able to deal with the clients, contractors, material suppliers and landing institutions in their every day activities. Over and above they should be expert of construction and building materials with exposure to building codes, zoning laws, fire regulations and local bye-laws safety ordinances etc.

Architecture , therefore , is a creative and exciting career and it has long exercised fascination for those who have creative and analytical bent of mind as a career it equally suits to both boys and girls who have capabilities and aptitude to become an  architect and wish to acquire sound knowledge of all aspects of modern building technology , project management and execution. 



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